From dormant to wide awake


From dormant to wide awake: from 2006 to 2016, we were making tables under another name. Born from knowledge and what was taught by our parents. Now, more than 10 years later, we are proud to announce the birth of Atelier Sept.

Yes, this is our first blog post, marking a new milestone in our lives. Stay tuned and follow our blog for news and updates about our models. I won't be sending any newsletters, although you can subscribe to one. We've learned from the past that people enjoy exploring. So, we'll count on Google to guide you to our website, where you can discover our collection and know-how. 

Our logo is inspired by numerology and cultural symbolism. It comes from the Japanese alphabet, appearing as an upside-down 7 for Japanese readers and as the number 7 in our language. This duality reflects both our global perspective and the meaning behind the number seven — introspection, creativity, and balance.

Atelier Sept also holds deep personal significance. "Sept" is short for September, and the number 7 marks the birth date of Henri Coeckelbergh Sr., Geert's father, whose birthday was September 7th. He passed away in early 2013, and the name is a tribute to his memory, anchoring our work in family values and honoring the legacy that continues to inspire us.

Love Geert & Veronique